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  • Trinity Church

What's Next for the Building Project? See Inside.

Trinity Invites UK Landscape Architects to Help Envision our Gardens

Dear Trinity, 

Please watch the video above from Matt, inviting you to come meet with garden designers from Britain and discuss the plans for the garden outside our church building.

Meet the UK Landscape Architects (Robert & Clare)

Sunday, October 13 @ 5:30pm

Wine and apps will be served

Julie has met and begun working with the architects, Robert & Clare.  Their company just won their 8th gold medal from the Chelsea Garden Show (worldwide gold standard for landscape design) from King Charles, for a church garden design.  You can see the church here.

We are excited to dream together on Sunday, October 13 as we discover why a garden matters... stay tuned!


Fall at a Glance

Sunday Services 8:30 and 10am

We’ll be continuing in the Lectionary this Fall. Here’s the readings for Sept through November  Don’t have a booklet? Here’s one you can print from home 

  • Newcomers Dinner Oct 5: RSVP Here

  • Preschooler Playgroup Oct 16 @ 10am: Washington Park

  • Evensong Oct 27 @ 6pm

  • George MacDonald Book Club Oct 27 @ 6:45pm


Hi Youth and Parents of Youth at Trinity!

This Sunday, and the first Sunday of every month for this school year, we have the opportunity to partner with Wenatchee Rescue Mission in bringing some of God’s beauty and order to our neighbors who are often overlooked. 

We will meet at the church at 6:30, travel in cars to the mission, and return to the church by 8 pm. I hope many of us will come together for this life-giving time of joining Jesus in bringing a little bit of His heavenly order and beauty to a place in our neighborhood that needs it.

Let’s get Ready! Please fill these out before you come:

Trinity Youth Release Form (needed for youth only)

WRM Volunteer Liability Form (needed for all youth and adults who come)

Reminders of good practices at WRM:

Wear a hat & closed-toed shoes.

Bring work gloves if you have them.

Leave belongings in the car.

Always stay with a group.

Do smile & look people in the eye.

Don’t share personal information.

Together Let's Pray and Practice!

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. 

And please reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns :). 



Vestry Update

Please pray for the Vestry as we seek 3 new members for this next calendar year. Cathy Rice shared during our Congregational Meeting that “the Vestry is a steward of tangible gifts given by you, the Body, and a steward of the vision of our leadership which includes the building and the mission of Trinity. So, when we are considering the budget and the building, we are looking at it through the lens of what God wants us to do and what best reflects the purpose and mission to which He has called us.”


Bulletin Board

Our bulletin board is a place where you can express a need to our church body (ex: housing, items needed, jobs wanted, etc.) so that others can reach out and respond.  Have a submission? Please email for us to review.

  • A friend of Natalie Eggers is looking for someone to rent their fully furnished 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom home in Wenatchee starting in January 2025 for six months. Dates are flexible. $2500/month with all utilities and high speed internet included. The house is a cozy home on a quiet street with great neighbors and they are hoping to find someone who will care for it well during their stay. No deposit required. No pets. Contact Kiley Bedson at (805) 405-5011 for more details.


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