Reminder: This Sunday (July 2) is…Worship in the Parish Sunday. With our pastors being away, we will practice being taught by Jesus as we step outside of our little Trinity Church in order to worship with other believers all across our valley. This yearly tradition helps us remember that we, on the corner of Okanogan and Peachey, are just a small part of the large community of those who call on His name. Our worship is just one expression among many of the worship happening all around us. Small Miracles
Dear Trinity, I’m praising God's direction and your enthusiasm to help the Small Miracles program! You have volunteered for all but one spot in our schedule to get lunches to the children at Methow Park. Already in the first week I’m hearing the stories of God’s work in our relationships with fellow volunteers, gratitude from families receiving this blessing, and friendships being developed with the children who have come to the park. This Tuesday, the second day of outreach, 341 children were served lunch in the Wenatchee-East Wenatchee- Cashmere-Rock Island parks! Small Miracles is in need of more volunteers. If you didn’t have the opportunity to sign up at Methow Park, please consider helping in the other parks in our community. Visit the Small Miracles website to understand the impact this program has been making for the past 12 years in our valley. Small Miracles has a streamlined process to help volunteers be successful, all you have to do is find a few hours or one hour. By clicking the ‘Volunteer Today’ link you can see the need and where you can serve. Maybe you choose once a week for July 10- August 3, or pick dates around your family’s summer schedule. Anything you can do helps the children have a meal. Trinity Church, you make me smile, now let’s go take care of the children! - Jenny Eberth Summer Term for Godly Play starts next week. See the announcement below for details, and how to help as a parent volunteer. Youth Group: No Youth Group on July 4th. But we WILL have it all the rest of Tuesdays in July. Building/Maintenance Point-of-Contact for July 1-21. Mike Andreini, our building manager (the old Anglican term is “Sexton”) will be out of town during July 1-21 with limited to no cell phone access. Charlie Atkinson will stand in as the point of contact for anything related to building/maintenance/grounds. You can reach Charlie at (509) 679-3625 or Parking Lot: fresh paint!: A big thank you to Merrick Whitson for helping paint fresh lines on the parking lot! Merrick accepts pats-on-the-back, BBQ chicken pizza, and cool ideas for where to fly his drone next ;)
Summer Term Sunday School
July 9 - August 20

This Summer, children ages 4 - 9 will be invited to meet in the Fireside Room downstairs during the sermon to learn about the Apostles Creed. I am looking forward to this time with all the children to remember the basics of our faith! I need a few parent volunteers to help each week … Please sign up below. - Julia
Updated Summer Flyer

Bulletin Board
If you have a personal need (like a job, or housing, etc.), an event you’d like to promote, or something you’d like our church body to be aware of, you can email carson@trinitywenatchee.orgfor us to review before posting.
From Hannah Pick: Hello parish! I am the director of Mountain Sprouts Children's Community, a nature-based program in Leavenworth. I'm excited to let you know that we have a few spots left in our 1/2 day summer camp for 3-5 year old kids. Camp is from 9am - 12pm at Waterfront Park in downtown Leavenworth. Week 1: Flora & Fauna's Riverside Adventure runs July 3 - 6 and Week 3: Silhouettes, Swishes and Splatters, runs August 14 - 17. For more information or to register, visit our website: or email me We also offer scholarships for camp tuition. Applications are available on our website.
From Andrew Drain: Lincoln (our almost 10 year-old), is starting the "50-yard challenge" where he has committed to mow yards for the elderly, disabled, single parents, and veterans for FREE. If you would benefit from this, or know someone that would… please contact me at (509) 607-0784 to coordinate a time for Lincoln to help with lawn care.
Day Camp 2023 at Ingalls Creek July 17-21 for campers entering Grades 2-6. Our camp focuses on connecting children to the natural world and God, making new friends, and having fun! Each day begins at 8:45 and ends at 3:30. Shuttle service provided from the Wenatchee Walmart, Martin's IGA (Cashmere), and the Big Y parking lot. Information and registration here: or contact Steve at or 808.200.8424.
Quick Links:
Sunday services: 8:30 and 9:45am (livestream the 9:45)
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