Ken Robertson teaching The Gospel & Politics course
Dear Trinity,
Remember four years ago, when we hosted church camp online due to the pandemic? We brought in our friend from International Anglican Church in Colorado—Ken Robertson—to speak to us about the Gospel According to Politics. As we approach the election, we thought we’d remind you of this resource that was so helpful for us during a polarizing time.
Below is the link to all 4 sessions. But if you watch just one, watch session 2! It’s called, “Embassy of the Eschaton: Why the Church (and not the Nations) is the Hope of the World.”
Note: these are not the recordings he did on Zoom with us; they’re the ones he did for his church. Same content, though.
Bonus content from AXIS: Few things are as divisive and difficult as the topic of politics. In this 7 Minute Video on Politics, we look at how Gen Z is experiencing politics and we give a helpful perspective for Christians living in a tumultuous political landscape. We hope that this video can spark thoughtful and encouraging conversations!
Fall at a Glance
Sunday Services 8:30 and 10am
We’ll be continuing in the Lectionary this Fall. Here’s the readings for Sept through November Don’t have a booklet? Here’s one you can print from home
Meet the UK Landscape Architects Oct 13 @ 5:30pm
Preschooler Playgroup Oct 16 @ 10am: Washington Park
Evensong Oct 27 @ 6pm
George MacDonald Book Club Oct 27 @ 6:45pm
Solitude and Sabbath 101 Retreat
Trinity brothers and sisters,
Please join me November 15-17 at Ingalls Creek for a Solitude and Sabbath 101 Retreat. This is our second-annual retreat at Ingalls. This year, we will focus again on Solitude, but also on Sabbath. And the emphasis will be on the “101” aspect!
If you yearn to have an introduction (or a reconnection) to these life-giving practices, please come. The early-bird pricing is $90 and covers all meals and lodging. (The price increases on 11/1 to $110.)
Jesus tells us his yoke is easy and his burden is light. Yet, out of habit, we push ourselves in so many inhumane ways. Solitude and Sabbath can gently help us turn from such habits and rest under the easy yoke of Jesus.
Please join us in community at Ingalls Creek this November for a weekend of coming home to ourselves in Christ. As God says through Isaiah:
“In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength ... Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”
Let us walk more deeply through Solitude and Sabbath into our salvation.
Guy Evans
Save the Date
Parent Talk - Play & Pray
November 2nd
9:00 am - 11:00 am
Childcare Provided
Parents and everyone else. Please come for a morning devoted to exploring our first Spiritual Language . . . PLAY! More info and registration coming.
George MacDonald Book Club

Hello Trinity,
The next meeting for the George MacDonald book, At the Back of the North Wind is on October 27th at 6:30. We are still looking for a home that would like to host this meeting, otherwise we will meet at Trinity.
If you haven't started reading At the Back of the North Wind yet, you still have time...it isn't too late! Remember Jesus' parable of the day laborers in Matthew 20; you will be just as richly rewarded for reading North Wind at the 11th hour as those who started at the beginning of the day.
For those of you who have started or completed At the Back of the North Wind, be sure to jot down anything that has stuck with you or has made you ponder something you hadn't pondered before.
Edition recommendations - below are a couple good editions (double-check on shipping speed if you haven't ordered yet...) of At the Back of the North Wind and a great audio dramatization by Focus on the Family (this would be great for kids):
Wise Path Books - Cullen Collection edition, includes a great introduction by Michael Phillips
The Room to Roam - This edition has illustrations and large font plus an introduction by Douglas Gresham
Focus on the Family Radio Theatre - a dramatized and abridged audio production, available as a digital download and on CD.
Any questions (or if you would like to host)? Contact Trevor: trevsill1054@gmail.com
Bulletin Board
Our bulletin board is a place where you can express a need to our church body (ex: housing, items needed, jobs wanted, etc.) so that others can reach out and respond. Have a submission? Please email hello@trinitywenatchee.org for us to review.
Pastor Matt is "practicing the way" of taking a spiritual audit, downsizing, simplifying, and is looking for an elliptical machine or stationary bike on which to work out, a potential house/dog sitter in November, and anyone wanting to buy his Toyota Tundra 2006 truck!