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St Patrick + Spring Groups

Carson Leith

Dear Trinity,

As we head into the Fifth Sunday in Lent (which this year lines up with St. Patrick's Day), here is a prayer for your day, inspired by St. Patrick who lived from 389-461:

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Three in One and One in Three, make us strong to oppose what is wrong in Your sight, and to work for what is right and good. As we seek to do Your will, shield us with Your encircling presence. May Your people today light a fire of love and truth that will never be put out. Amen.

At the concert with Jon Guerra a few weeks ago, he introduced a song to us called "Canticle (Christ as a Light)," which itself is inspired by Saint Patrick's "great shield prayer." I've been enjoying singing this song with you as a blessing/sending each Sunday in Lent.

May Christ Jesus, the lowly and yet all-powerful one,

be present with you this day as you walk with Him...


p.s. - check out some signs of SPRING to encourage you below...

spring garden cleanup this Saturday morning

new groups starting in April

prayer vigil added for holy week

~ and more...


Spring Garden Cleanup

Saturday, March 16 @ 9-11am

All are invited to come and get the church gardens spruced up for spring.  Don't have a green thumb?  That's totally fine!  There will be jobs for everyone from master gardener to families with kids.  Please bring pruners, weeding tools, rakes, and gloves.  There will be drinks and snacks provided.

E-mail Kay Andreini at with any questions


Spring Groups

The Marriage Course

Starts Mon, April 1

You're invited! Whether you’ve been married six months or 40 years, whether you’re in a good place or struggling, The Marriage Course offers time and space to focus on your relationship.

This 7-week course helps couples to:

• Communicate more effectively

• Understand each other’s needs

• Resolve conflict

• Recognize how upbringing affects your relationship

• Develop greater sexual intimacy

• And much more...

Anglican Discovery Course

Starts Sun, April 7

Have you wondered what does it mean to be Anglican? Or where our liturgy comes from? Or what it means to have a Bishop and why? What about the meaning of Communion? 

Come explore these topics and more Midrash style with Nate on Sunday nights! Let’s learn together how our Tradition helps us step into the life of Jesus to serve His good world.

Confirmation Cohort

Starts Wed, April 10

Inviting adults, age 13 to 103, of Trinity Church to join our Confirmation Cohort, a 4-week class with Pastor Matt, beginning April 10th. This is a once-a-year opportunity to better understand your baptism in Jesus Christ, as well as to publicly confirm your faith in God.

But even more than confirming your faith in God, our Bishop says, confirmation is about God confirming His faith in you. His faith in you started before you were born, when God imagined who you would be, then knit you together in your mother’s womb, and brought you out into the world with a cry that first filled your lungs. So too in your baptism were you brought through water, rising to “inhale” the Holy Spirit, who initiates your new life in Christ. And now as adults you are choosing to “exhale” words confirming your faith in the God who both brought you into the world and who invites you to live every day in, with, and for Him.

Confirmation Service:

Sunday, May 5th @ 6pm

Confirmation Cohort:

4 Wednesdays @ 6pm at the Church

April 10, 17, 24, May 1

Cohort may include a Saturday 1/2 day retreat on May 4.


Love Talks:

Reauthoring the Sexual Autobiography for Women of Faith

Friday, March 22 @ 6:30pm

If you have joined Pastor Matt for one of the two Love Talks he’s given recently, then you’ve caught a glimpse of how you might lay down some thoughtful, playful, and gradual stepping stones for your kids to understand the beautiful mystery of sex.  And the more comfortable and confident we can approach these conversations, the better. Kids are, after all, very perceptive to our discomfort!

But many of us carry some wounds regarding our sexuality—from harmful interactions, from unhelpful messages, from mistakes made, and/or from the silence of those who raised us.  We may find it difficult to talk or even think about our story of sexuality unfolding, because it brings up painful feelings like shame, fear, regret, and confusion. And the consequence to our relationships with our kids, spouse, body, and our Creator by way of our avoidance or reactivity, are very real. 

But there is hope!  Thinking about your story is the first step. That’s what you’ll do with me on March 22nd, if you choose to come. Talking about your story is the next step, and I hope that flows out into your relationships after our evening together.

Women, whether you have a car full of kids or no kids at all, you’re married, you’re single, you’re young, you’re not so young, this conversation is for you!  And men, you are welcome to come join us too. You will likely learn some things that will help you understand and love the women in your lives. 

In hopeful anticipation of all things being made new (especially sexuality), 

Natalie Eggers


At Home with the Lectionary

If you're looking for commentary on the Lectionary passages from week to week, check out the podcast from our friends at Advent Anglican (Aaron and Melissa Burt). Each week, they post a fresh discussion! "At Home with the Lectionary" podcast


Holy Week

  • Palm Sunday March 24 (8:30am & 9:45am service)

  • Evensong March 24 @ 6pm

  • Good Friday March 29 (7pm service)

  • Easter Prayer Vigil March 30-31

  • Get more information and signup here

  • Easter Sunday March 31 (8:30am & 9:45am service)


Bulletin Board

If you have a personal need (like a job, or housing, etc.), an event you’d like to promote, or something you’d like our church body to be aware of, you can email for us to review before posting.



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Trinity Church is part of the Anglican Diocese of the Rocky Mountains. For more information about our tradition, click here.

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