South Wenatchee Connections
A Letter From Sara Solano

Dear Trinity,
It’s been two months since I got to share with you what God is doing in my life and how He has been integrating me into two churches: both Trinity and CRC (Christian Revival Center). Since then, I have had several conversations with many of you where you have shared your own journeys and wonderings on how we can be face to face with our neighbors. I have been encouraged by all that God is doing in and among us.
We recently restarted the children’s program at CRC. There hadn’t been anything specifically for them since COVID began. Children ages six to eleven are now gathering in the basement classroom on Wednesday evenings during the adult Bible study. So far, my teenage stepsister, Heydi, and I are working with the children. My hope is that as we build excitement and consistency, others will want to be a part of this ministry.
For now, Julia has graciously agreed to train me in Godly Play and has allowed me to use some of the Godly Play storytelling materials. The next step is to attend a formal training in September. In the meantime, Heydi and I are setting up the classroom, gathering materials, and simply enjoying this invitation for us to sit, wonder, and playfully practice being God’s kids.
As the Lord brings us to mind, please pray for CRC–the adults, the children, and for CRC’s own journey in discovering what it means to be face to face with our South Wenatchee neighbors.
If you have any questions, or simply want to wonder and marvel together about all that God is doing, please reach out. We'll meet for coffee (or tea!) and talk...
In Him,
Sara Solano
(509) 860-6033
George MacDonald Bookclub
Sunday, July 28 @ 6:45pm

Join us this Sunday, July 28 @ 6:45 to discuss George MacDonald's book, Robert Falconer. We will be meeting in the Canlis home at 3385 Number One Canyon Road. Please park in the cul-d-sac and walk up to the house. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Summer at a Glance
June 23 - Aug 18 - ONE Service for the Summer at 9am
July 28 @ 6:45pm - George MacDonald Book Club
Aug 11 @ 10:30am - Baptism Sunday at Ingalls Creek
Aug 25 - Resume two services at 8:30 & 9:45am
Aug 25 - Congregational Meeting
Sept 6-8 - Church Camp at Tall Timber
Bulletin Board
If you have a personal need (like a job, or housing, etc.), an event you’d like to promote, or something you’d like our church body to be aware of, you can email for us to review before posting.
Lost and found. A backpack and a box with a camping lantern was found last week on the patio. Did you leave it? Text Carson at (509)881-7737 to coordinate pickup.

Ingalls Creek Retreats - Make space with us away from the noise, to listen for God's voice. Join other Young Adults (20's) for a retreat August 9-11: a time to gather in community, gain some spiritual tools for life's journey, and deepen in God. For those 55+ we invite you September 15-18th to learn from Susan S. Phillips in what it means to cultivate our spiritual lives amidst this circus of life. More retreats to come listed on our upcoming events page.