Church Camp registration closes this Sunday night. Sign up here!
Congregational Meeting this Sunday 8:30am

Dear Trinity,
Above is the pamphlet whose contents will be revealed at the Congregational Meeting!
Here’s this Sunday’s schedule (note the service change to 9:45am.)
Congregational meeting 8:30am
Service 9:45am (NEW time)
If you think congregational meetings are boring, you haven’t been to ours! :) Plus, there’ll be coffee/tea and light bites provided…
You’ll be the first to learn about...
the year at a glance
staffing updates
the building restoration project
our current finances
reports from different leaders in our church
and more!
There will also be a time for responding at the end…
Can I bring kids?
We are intending this meeting for adults only. We hope that at least one adult from your family joins us for our congregational meeting.
Will it be recorded?
It will be live-streamed, yes. But we prefer to be face to face with you!Can’t make it?Watch the livestream here.
Will I get to vote on the color of the carpet?
We will gladly never do this type of thing at our congregational meetings :)
See you there…Carson+
Face-to-Face Fall 2024

Trinity Church,
This fall on Wednesday nights at Trinity, we have an invitation to gather up into what we are calling Table Groups to learn how we might respond to God’s “Come, Beloved” through practices like prayer, Sabbath rest, reading the Bible, and joyful giving. We’ll do this by working through the Practicing the Way Course with John Mark Comer, discussing how we can participate in the work of God forming us to be more like Jesus as we spend time with Him, doing the things He did.
Table Group Dates:
September 18: Table Group Meal & Kick-off Night (5:30-7:30pm)
Sept 25 – Nov 13: 8-Week Practicing the Way Series (6-7:30pm)
November 20: Celebration Meal & Toast to God! (5:30-7:30pm)
What are Table Groups?
Table Groups are small communities of 7-10 people who will gather to not only share some yummy food but more importantly to feast on Jesus, our Bread of Life.
Will there be Childcare?
Yes! It’s been decided. We will have childcare for children up to age 10 available all 10 weeks.
Will there be food?
There will be a meal served for everyone on the first and final nights of our 10 weeks together. Each Table Group can decide if they’d like to bring a snack or dessert to share on other weeks.
Beloved Children, together let’s say YES to God’s “Come”.
Evensong Resumes This Fall

Monthly Evensong services resume Sunday, September 29th!
We practice once a month on the Saturday before, rehearsing and leading the service on the last weekend of the month. There are eight Evensong services scheduled for September through June. We are in need of committed, musical women, high school and older, to join the ensemble. An ability to read music and ensemble experience is helpful. If you are interested in singing with us, please let me know so that I can follow up with more details. Call/text: 206-354-2947. -Hannah Pick
Interested in 2025 Pilgrimages?
If you didn’t attend the pilgrimage exploration meeting on August 4th, and you’re interested in possibly attending a pilgrimage to the United States/Mexico border (Abara) or England, please sign up here for someone to contact you.
George MacDonald Book Club
Announcing the Next Book for October

Dear faithful book clubbers,
Once again, we had a wonderful time discussing MacDonald's most autobiographical novel, Robert Falconer. Thank you to those who came, shared favorite quotes, drank elderflower cordial, and ate shortbread! We voted on a shorter next novel, one which is nearly a fairy-tale (that many children have read) but which deals beautifully with mature themes (which, as we know by now, were believed by George MacDonald to be entirely appropriate for children, who were strong enough to understand and be moved and strengthened by them).
Our gathering will be 6:30pm October 27th at a location TBD. I will be giving a paper on George MacDonald at a UK conference, so our indomitable librarian - Trevor Sill - has agreed to lead the gathering (and I'm jealous - I am learning so much from him!) If you don't know Trevor, I've asked him to introduce himself and the book below:
From Trevor Sill: I first ran across George MacDonald through the works of C. S. Lewis. Like so many others, I loved Lewis' The Chronicles of Narnia, and after that, his Space Trilogy. When I read Lewis' The Great Divorce, Lewis includes George MacDonald as a character/guide within this book, like Virgil was for Dante in the Divine Comedy (writer Peter Kreeft describes the Great Divorce as, "the Divine Comedy for modern attention spans."). I loved Lewis and if Lewis loved MacDonald...well, I figured I had to find out more about this MacDonald fellow. I began with MacDonald's fantasy works and many, many books later, one of his works that really strikes a chord in me is At the Back of the North Wind.
At the Back of the North Wind is one of those works that gets inside of you and points you to a "far-off song". In the words of Douglas Gresham, stepson of C. S. Lewis, "The story is one that will either fascinate you, or one that will drag you forward into George MacDonald's amazing theology or indeed simply into his astonishing knowledge that freely slides into our minds long before we are aware of it." It blends realism and poetical language to deal with the issues of death and suffering (probably the biggest issues to reconcile with our faith) as it relates to our trust in the goodness of God. At the Back of the North Wind is a gem and, once you read it, you'll come back to it again and again.
Edition recommendations - below are a couple good editions of At the Back of the North Wind and a great audio dramatization by Focus on the Family (this would be great for kids):
Wise Path Books - Cullen Collection edition, includes a great introduction by Michael Phillips
The Room to Roam - This edition has illustrations and large font plus an introduction by Douglas Gresham
Focus on the Family Radio Theatre - a dramatized audio production, available as a digital download and on CD (yeah, some of us still have CD players...)
Any questions (or if you would like to host)?
Contact Trevor:
Summer at a Glance
June 23 - Aug 18 - ONE Service for the Summer at 9am
Aug 25 - Congregational Meeting at 8:30am. More Information Here
Aug 25 - One Service at 9:45am
Sept 1 - Begin Two Services. 8:30am and 9:45am
Sept 6-8 - Church Camp at Tall Timber Sign Up Here
Bulletin Board
Please note that our guidelines have changed.
Our bulletin board is a place where you can express a need to our church body (ex: housing, items needed, jobs wanted, etc.) so that others can reach out and respond. For example, “I need a place to stay for 2 months.” Or, “Can anyone dog sit for me?” Or, “My daughter needs a job this summer."
This is not a place to promote events, flyers, businesses, causes, etc. (Note: Trinity has various ministry partners whose events/retreats we choose to post here occasionally.)Have a submission that meets the guidelines? Please email for us to review.
Meal Train for the Campbells. Please help us provide meals for the Campbell’s as Jami recovers from major surgery over the next few weeks. Sign up here.