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November Sneak Peek

Trinity Church

Fall Solitude Opportunities Start Tonight

Dear Trinity,

Do you feel called to deeper solitude with God? Has the 40-day prayer vigil and your time “Sitting with Jesus” cultivated a yearning for more stillness?

Or perhaps you are still in the curious stage of wanting to learn more about silence and solitude?

Two opportunities will meet you in either place this fall.

For the yearning, Trinity will be holding an Advent solitude retreat December 8-10 at Ingalls Creek Retreat Center. This is an opportunity to touch a deeper stillness as we practice silence and solitude together as the body of Christ.

For the curious, Trinity is offering the Solitude Practice starting tonight from Practicing the Way. This is a four-week group gathering on Thursdays online from 8-9 pm.

Of course, the yearning are also welcome to sign up for the Solitude Practice. In fact, the practice group and retreat would ideally be done together.

In any case, you are invited in these shortening days of Ordinary Time leading up to Advent, to move into a deeper intimacy with God through this ancient way of Solitude.

Please reach out to Guy Evans at 509-670-3608 if you have questions about either opportunity.


Upcoming November Events

- Altar Guild Dinner // November 5 @ 5:30pm

All current communion servers, communion setup and cleanup helpers, and anyone interested in learning more about the Altar Guild are invited to join Jessica Hall, our new director of Trinity's Altar Guild, for a Q&A / Getting-to-Know-You dinner. RSVP Here

- Wednesday Night Bible Study // November 8, 15, and 29 @ 7pm

Join Nicole and Pastor Matt, here at the church, from 7-8pm to converse over the week's readings in the lectionary.

- Sex Talk // November 10 @ 6:30pm

The first of Trinity's conversations surrounding sex will be Talking with Your Children About Sex. This conversation is for the whole church - couples, singles, elders, grandparents! RSVP Here

- Evensong // November 26 @ 6pm

Come participate in an evening of worship lead by our evensong choir.


Godly Play Fall Update 2023

Click here If you would like to read the latest newsletter with photos and stories about our Sunday School program!


Bulletin Board

If you have a personal need (like a job, or housing, etc.), an event you’d like to promote, or something you’d like our church body to be aware of, you can email for us to review before posting.

  • Jeff More has some toys his twins (4 year old boy and girl) have outgrown to give away to anyone in our community for free. Please contact Jeff at 949-233-6678 or to arrange a pickup, or a dropoff within a reasonable radius.


Quick Links:



(509) 888-2957

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Trinity Church is part of the Anglican Diocese of the Rocky Mountains. For more information about our tradition, click here.

© Trinity Church

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