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Note from the Provincial Council

Trinity Church

Provincial Council Update

By Charlie Atkinson

Traveling to Plano, Texas may not rank high on the list of summer destinations, but Brenda and I were privileged to serve as lay delegates from the Rocky Mountain Diocese at the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) annual meeting in Plano last month. The gathering is called the Provincial Council and we met with the bishops, clergy delegates and lay delegates representing the other 28 dioceses from around North America. In addition to the work of the council we worshipped together and shared in a beautiful Choral Evensong Service. Each day included Morning Prayer with a teaching on Philemon.

It would have been easy to feel like outsiders; here we are relatively new to the Anglican Church, from a church that is equally new to the ACNA, and yet that was not the case. From the time we registered and for the next two days we were welcomed by warm, friendly people who made us feel very much at home. It was encouraging to be among others who, as they discussed and dealt with significant matters, did not lose sight of following Jesus. While considering important amendments, welcoming a new diocese, hearing reports, and approving the annual budget, the work of the church was carried out with openness, grace and truth.

We came away having made new friends, people we hope to see again. In Brenda’s words, “I discovered a group of church leaders and lay people that are passionate to see people come Christ, to interact with and love the marginalized, and to continue to walk the path of our ancient faith.”

Brenda and Charlie would be glad to share more so feel free to catch them at church or give them a call. A summary of the Provincial Council is here . Videos of the various sessions can be found here.


Men's Weekly Walk

Men, you are invited to join Father Matt on a weekly pilgrimage on Tuesday mornings. Meet at 6:30 at 5th Street and Canal Blvd to walk the canal.


Friday Night Out

July 28: 7-8:30

Parents, grandparents, guardians. You're invited to a free Friday night out at Trinity Church from 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm with teaching, refreshments and fellowship. No childcare provided. July 28th - Family dynamics - Natalie Eggers will share what to do when your kids “flip their lid” (or you flip yours).

Please sign up by July 26th


Updated Summer Flyer


Bulletin Board

If you have a personal need (like a job, or housing, etc.), an event you’d like to promote, or something you’d like our church body to be aware of, you can email carson@trinitywenatchee.orgfor us to review before posting.


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Trinity Church is part of the Anglican Diocese of the Rocky Mountains. For more information about our tradition, click here.

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