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  • Trinity Church

Next 3 Sundays at a Glance

Dear Trinity,

Here’s the outline of the next few weeks. 

There’s some Fall changes ahead!

This Sunday’s services:

8:30 & 9:45am

  • At our Congregational Meeting last week (recording here), we ran out of time for questions and responses. Sorry! Because we value your participation and hearing what this sparked for you, we’ll give some time for Q&A with Fr. Matt and our Staff + Vestry…downstairs in the Fireside Room, after each service this Sunday. Please come!

Sunday, September 8th // Church Service at Tall Timber

Even if you’re not coming to camp for the whole weekend, we’d love to have you join us for church

  • Come for a church service at Tall Timber at 9:30am

  • Stay for Brunch afterward! 

($12/person to cover brunch costs)

No need to register if you'll already be at camp for the weekend.

Sunday, September 15th // NEW service times starting 

8:30 and 10am

p.s. - come this Sunday and linger after the service to hear the larger story about WBBC giving us this gift of time…


Talent Show at Camp

Attention All Church Campers!!  The annual church camp talent show is happening again.  If you have an act you'd like to share (comedy, story, dance, song, magic etc.), please fill out the form below.


Face-to-Face Fall 2024

Trinity Church, 

This fall on Wednesday nights at Trinity, we have an invitation to gather up into what we are calling Table Groups to learn how we might respond to God’s “Come, Beloved” through practices like prayer, Sabbath rest, reading the Bible, and joyful giving. We’ll do this by working through the Practicing the Way Course with John Mark Comer, discussing how we can participate in the work of God forming us to be more like Jesus as we spend time with Him, doing the things He did.

Table Group Dates:

September 18: Table Group Meal & Kick-off Night (5:30-7:30pm)

Sept 25 – Nov 13: 8-Week Practicing the Way Series (6-7:30pm)

November 20: Celebration Meal & Toast to God! (5:30-7:30pm)

What are Table Groups?

Table Groups are small communities of 7-10 people who will gather to not only share some yummy food but more importantly to feast on Jesus, our Bread of Life. 

Will there be Childcare?

Yes! It’s been decided. We will have childcare for children up to age 10 available all 10 weeks.

Will there be food?

There will be a meal served for everyone on the first and final nights of our 10 weeks together. Each Table Group can decide if they’d like to bring a snack or dessert to share on other weeks. 

Beloved Children, together let’s say YES to God’s “Come”.


Trinity Youth Update

Trinity Youth, It’s here! Pick up a Purple Youth Calendar on Sunday or print it out here. Our Youth Team is looking forward to kicking off the year together. We’ll be seeking to be face-to-face IN CHRIST in many ways including playing together, finding Christ in Scripture, and serving at Wenatchee Rescue Mission. May Jesus grow us to trust Him more as we meet with Him and each other this year!


Godly Play Registration

We're so excited to be starting another year of Godly Play with the children in our church!  If you have a child in K-6th grade, please register them so Kelsee and the teachers can determine proper class size.


Bulletin Board

Please note that our guidelines have changed.

Our bulletin board is a place where you can express a need to our church body (ex: housing, items needed, jobs wanted, etc.) so that others can reach out and respond. For example, “I need a place to stay for 2 months.” Or, “Can anyone dog sit for me?” Or, “My daughter needs a job this summer."

This will no longer be a place to promote events, flyers, businesses, causes, etc. (Note: Trinity has various ministry partners whose events/retreats we choose to post here occasionally.)

Have a submission that meets the guidelines? Please email for us to review. 

  • Meal Train for the Campbells. Please help us provide meals for the Campbell’s as Jami recovers from major surgery over the next few weeks. Sign up here. 


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