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New 4-week Sermon Series

Carson Leith

Picture By: Arcabas

Dear Trinity,

Happy October!

This weekend, I'll be starting a 4-week mini series on the Drama of Scripture, which I hope will inspire you to play your part well in God's Great Theater.

Spoiler alert: You're in the Play!

When I first encountered this way of looking at the scriptures (as a drama in which I play a part), it was like a fresh wind in my sails. The realization that I have a role to play in the grander story has infused my days with meaning and has given me a greater sense of freedom to be who I was created to be.

Much more to say... so I hope to see you this Sunday, Carson

p.s. - here's some quick links to all the prayer events from last month:


Altar Guild Update

What is Altar Guild? According to An Anglican Altar Guild Manual, “The Altar Guild is a lay ministry to serve God in His house by preparing the Sanctuary for worship, maintaining and caring for the sacred vessels, altar linens, and vestments, and serving the clergy and the parish…the Rector (Fr. Matt) is the head of the altar guild, which functions under his guidance and direction. The rector appoints the director of the altar guild and its members.”

We wish to welcome Jessica Hall as director of Trinity Church’s Altar Guild. She has attended Trinity Church for 15 years. During that time she has helped in many areas, including serving as secretary for eight of those years. After a 3+ year hiatus, she is ready to fill a role that has great meaning for her.

We currently have a fantastic team who helps to set-up and clean-up the altar, and to serve during communion, but there is always room for more. If you have ever wondered about what is involved to serve on an altar guild, or simply wondered about altar guild in general (i.e. the history, the colors, the strange names for all the parts that make up altar guild, etc.), then please join Jessica for a Q&A / Getting-to-Know-You dinner.

Altar Guild Q&A and Getting-to-Know-You Dinner

Sunday, November 5 @ 5:30pm


Mendez Meal Train

In August 2023, Emily was diagnosed with a brain tumor that was found incidentally during an ER visit. The tumor required brain surgery to be removed. The surgery happened Friday, September 29th. She is married to Salvador and they have 3 small children (Layla, Mila, Gabby). Emily has a long road to recovery ahead of her and is awaiting a follow up appointment that will outline additional care once biopsy results return. The family would be blessed by meals during this recovery time and potentially in the future depending upon further required care. Any and all help is greatly appreciated!


Trinity Women S'mores and Cider

Monday, October 9 @ 6:30pm

All women of Trinity are invited to an evening of s'mores and cider around the firepit at Carol Ann Turner's home (2700 Number 1 Canyon Road). Come make new friends and deepen your existing friendships with other women of faith!


Bulletin Board

If you have a personal need (like a job, or housing, etc.), an event you’d like to promote, or something you’d like our church body to be aware of, you can email for us to review before posting.

  • Doug Hall is seeking a part time employee for the Taco Del Mar restaurant that he manages. He would prefer 18 or older but 16 is minimum age. The hours needed are mainly weekday evenings 5-9 and weekends 11-9. Pay is $15.74 an hour plus tips that average around $5 an hour. 20 to 30 hours a week are available. Excellent opportunity to make some extra money. Please text Doug at 509-699-0241 to set up an interview.

  • Full time RV couple, Cynthia and Roger Rumann, need winter hook-up for 43-foot fifth wheel: 11/1/23 to 3/31/24, 55 amp. electrical service, sewer and water. They are able to pay $600/month. Contact:, (509)763-7016

  • Ingalls Creek Women's Retreat, Holding Space, is October 27-29. What does it mean to grow in God throughout our entire lives? Amidst all the questions, the messiness of life that can overwhelm us, and the mystery of joy that surprises us? Join us as we deepen in this wonder together, have intergenerational conversation about faith, and hold space for one another on the journey. Get more information here.


Quick Links:



(509) 888-2957

  • YouTube

Trinity Church is part of the Anglican Diocese of the Rocky Mountains. For more information about our tradition, click here.

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