Reminder: We're back to two services this Sunday (8:30am & 9:45am)
Missed Church Camp? Here's Everything You Need...

Photo by Guy Evans
Dear Trinity...
Did you miss Church Camp - and the pre-launch of our 40 day prayer journey that we as a church will be doing together? You are not too late!
The teachings of Brian Zahnd and Brad Jersak brought together the historic (bold) way of praying as well as the prophetic (bold) - and we have been challenged by them to pray “old” prayers while also learning to sit with Jesus for 40 days. If you missed this, please watch these videos - even with your kids - they are engaging and wonderful (and funny)!
Camp videos:
Prayer Liturgy Booklet:
We have plenty physical booklets available at church. Pick one up this Sunday!
EPUB version for Kindle (produced by our own David Pick)
We will also be meeting in small groups for those who are interested.
40-Day Prayer Pilgrimage Groups:
Tuesday night with the Andreinis on Zoom (Starts Sept 26)
Wednesday morning at the Wiggins' house in Sunnyslope (Starts Sept 20)
Wednesday evening at church (Starts Sept 20)
Friday morning at church - centering prayer group (Starts Sept 22)
In addition, we will have two live interactive zoom sessions (both @ the church sanctuary) with our speakers partway through the journey to ask them questions!
Tuesday, Sept 19th at 6-7pm with Brian Zahnd (@ Trinity)
Sunday, Sept 24th at 7-8pm with Brad Jersak (@ Trinity)
Don’t miss out on this fabulous teaching, encouragement to pray, as well as a way of taking part in the body with Trinity. We are excited about this, and don’t want to leave anyone behind
P.S. - You might not agree with everything in these videos. Neither did we! But it is generating good discussion amongst us, and our hope is that it is a springboard that keeps bringing us face to face with God, each other, and ourselves in Christ.
Godly Play Begins This Sunday!

Children ages PK4 - 6th grade will meet upstairs during the 9:45 am service. If you have not registered your child in the previous years and would like them to attend Godly Play, please register here. For more information about our program see our website.
You can also read the parent information letter here for more details.
Please Contact Julia Barger for questions or more information.
PS - We'd love a few more people to join our wonderful team of volunteers as substitute helpers. If you are interested, please let me know! Julia

Bulletin Board
If you have a personal need (like a job, or housing, etc.), an event you’d like to promote, or something you’d like our church body to be aware of, you can email carson@trinitywenatchee.orgfor us to review before posting.
Kevin and Jayna Tomalty are looking for a short term furnished apartment/space to rent for Jayna’s mom and her husband. They are hoping to be in the valley for two months anytime between January and April 15th. The time is flexible. Please contact Jayna if you have any ideas 507-581-6009
Attention parents with kids ages 8-14! Stevie Clifton and his brother Tom have been building an app called Screenable to help parents raise tech-healthy kids (learn more on their website here). Email him at if you want to join the beta test group for the app.
Quick Links:
Sunday services: 8:30 and 9:45am (livestream the 9:45)
Download the Church Center app, or view it on your computer here