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Let’s Be Friends: Join Trinity’s Directory

Carson Leith

Friendship and Kickin’ It Old School with the Church Directory

Disclaimer: Believe it or not, this glorious scanned photo is not from current Trinity Church attenders, but from a random church that I (Carson) found in an online search (South Fork Baptist Church in 1992). Yep - they post photos of their previous church directories online. Amazing.

Dear Trinity, As we near the end of our time in Hebrews, I’ll spend the next two weeks on Hebrews 13, where it starts off by saying, “Let friendship between believers continue!” Well - here’s the thing…friendship in the church cannot begin – let alone continue – if we don’t have some practical ways to remain connected: names, photos, phone numbers, etc. Everything at Trinity starts “face to face,” but in order to continue the relationship, we need a way to contact each other! Sometimes, this is where we face a roadblock. People of old (1990s and prior ) knew this conundrum. That’s why the church directory was created by wise and discerning people, and still thrives today in many forms. Several years ago, we transitioned our printed directory to an online directory that’s self-managed by…YOU! Even though it’s old-school, I am amazed at how many people request access to this simple tool, and how useful it has been for connecting people to each other. So today – I wanted to invite you to do one of two things:

  1. Update your photo and details on Church Center if you haven’t in awhile (just login and update your personal information)

  2. If you’re not in the directory, but would like to add yourself and get access to see everyone else… Send us a request to be added! (just click that link, and then under “more” click “directory” and then login. If you don’t have access, it should give you a way to send a request.)

If you’re having trouble with tech stuff, just reach out to me at Happy to help you out!

This is one simple way you can let friendship continue. Let’s keep going old school!


P.S. - This Sunday begins ONE 9am service


Centering Prayer Retreat

This Saturday, June 17 from 5:30am - noon

Hello Trinity, What does your soul and spirit need in the midst of these long spring days? If some time of prayer and reflection would be of service, this Saturday morning, I will be at the church practicing centering prayer. Consider just sitting for centering prayer. Or consider mixing in some other activities as well, such as a quiet neighborhood walk or some Bible time in the sanctuary. “Be still and know I am God”, says the Lord. We will be gathering in the stillness this Saturday morning. Blessings, Guy

Description: A morning of silent practice and reflection. Participants are invited to practice centering prayer as well as take time for journalling, scripture reading, and personal meditation.

Schedule: The centering prayer room will be anchored by one or more practitioners following the schedule below. Individuals are invited to join various periods as suits their personal retreat.


Summer Youth Nights

Hey Trinity Youth and Parents! Please sign up below so we keep you in the loop about any location or detail changes week to week. Thanks! We're so excited for this summer at Trinity!


Small Miracles

For the past several summers, Trinity Church has partnered with Small Miracles to serve lunch to children at Methow Park. Partnering with this organization has been a helpful outreach to children and families in our community. We are joining their good work with our willing hands and feet. Our job is simple: one volunteer picks up the pre-packaged lunches and water at Foothills Middle School, the second volunteer meets at Methow Park to assist with the setting up, greeting children, passing out lunches, cleaning up, and a volunteer will return the supplies to Foothills. The set up is easy and the atmosphere at the park is a welcoming time of play with a lunch picnic! We volunteer Monday - Thursday between 10:40 am and 12:20 pm. Lunches will be served from June 26th - August 3rd and volunteer sign-ups begin this week! A bonus for volunteers is that Small Miracles provides lunch for the volunteer's children! Join the team to receive updates and links for serving schedules. Trinity Church: please join this wonderful opportunity to serve in our Parish! Children, Park, Play, Lunch...I wonder how Jesus will be with us in this special place? Jenny Eberth Trinity Team Coordinator for Small Miracles (Methow Park) (785) 250-0568



Bulletin Board

If you have a personal need (like a job, or housing, etc.), an event you’d like to promote, or something you’d like our church body to be aware of, you can email carson@trinitywenatchee.orgfor us to review before posting.

  • “Just Pause” Workshop & Art Class by Jill Gentry, Life Coach // June 19th @ Class with a Glass. Learning how to pause is quite simple, However, we often don't because we don't understand why it's necessary for our well-being. Life Coach Jill Gentry will bring the "why" and help you create simple, bite-size, everyday pockets of pausing for deeper rest, clarity, and resilience to your daily life. Finish the evening in the art studio and create your own "Just Pause" artwork using watercolor and your personal inspiration. All workshop materials and art supplies are included. More info here.

  • Ingalls Creek Make a Difference Week, June 26-30. Do you like to work with your hands, alongside others? Would you like to make a visible, lasting difference on the Ingalls Creek property? Do you find joy and satisfaction in physical labor? If so, then “Make A Difference” Week at Ingalls Creek is designed for you! Work is available for all skill levels. Individuals may come for part of a day, an entire day, several days, or the whole week. More info here.


Quick Links:



(509) 888-2957

  • YouTube

Trinity Church is part of the Anglican Diocese of the Rocky Mountains. For more information about our tradition, click here.

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