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Lent Begins Tomorrow

Carson Leith

Dear Trinity...

A few years ago, Brad Jersak gave a Lent lecture at our church that helped us frame the upcoming season in new and helpful ways. He defined Lent as “a gift of the church, embarking together on an annual, historical re-enactment — a 40-day journey of repentance—leading up to the Paschal (Passover) Feast of the Lamb.” Lent is not meant to be a solo journey into more and more restrictions... but a communal journey toward more and more freedom. It’s meant to be a journey together. And what is this journey for? It’s for repentance, which is not about feeling remorse, regret, or self-loathing, but rather about reorienting ourselves to our North Star while recalibrating our practices.

So…how is God inviting you to walk with Him this Lent? We hope that this season won’t be reduced to “what I’m giving up for Lent.” Brad spoke to how Lent works best NOT by creating laws, but by receiving grace that empowers us. What grace does God want to give you this Lent? This is not a journey from freedom to restrictions, but from slavery to freedom. Our prayer is that God would give you a taste of true liberation in Christ, by the power of the Spirit. The LORD be with you!


Many of you are planning on being there TONIGHT for our Shrove Tuesday pancake dinner. If you haven't signed up, do so here, and we'll see you at 5:30!

Ash Wednesday is tomorrow. We have two services to choose from: 7am & 7pm. Not sure what Lent is all about? Or how you should enter this season? This is a great way to get oriented... and don't worry: the people sitting around you probably don't know what they're doing either ;)

Families - here are a few resources for Ash Wednesday and Lent:

Look for the handout for Lent breath prayers on the family resource table.

3 LENTEN Ways to Walk and Pray in Community...

Morning Prayer: For the next 5 Wednesday mornings at 7:15am, the church will be open for those who want to join as a community in the Lenten Prayer Liturgy. Copies of the liturgy will be available at church on Sunday.

Backyard Pilgrim for Men: Fr. Matt is leading a 6-week group for men that will journey through his book "Backyard Pilgrim: 40 Days at Godspeed."

Time: 5-6pm at church, starting Sun, Feb 25.

p.s. - Interested in starting/joining another Backyard Pilgrim group? Reach out to our Discipleship Leader, Nicole Hunter at or (509) 670-3825‬.

Midrash & Prayer: Our weekly Midrash & Prayer starts back up next week (Wed, Feb 21 @ 7pm).


SAFE Families Training

Sunday, February 18 After Both Services

Immediately after each service on February 18th we will meet in the Fireside Room to look more deeply into each of the roles you could take on in Trinity's Safe Families Parish Ministry and what it looks like to actually do them.

The Core Training is a part of the required training for Hosts, Coaches, and Family Friends roles.  (No training is required to be a Resource Friend but the Core Training will help you better understand how we live out this ministry so we hope you can attend.). We will have light snacks.  We will meet for about 1 hour.  If you are unavailable for this training there are other options.


Jon Guerra Concert

February 25 @ 6pm

We're getting close to the concert! This is your last week to secure a seat before we start opening it up to other churches in the Valley.


Bulletin Board

If you have a personal need (like a job, or housing, etc.), an event you’d like to promote, or something you’d like our church body to be aware of, you can email for us to review before posting.

  • Kelsee Drain is hosting a homeschooling Q&A discussion night for all those interested in homeschooling or are currently homeschooling. Gather at her home on Thursday, February 29th at 6:30.  Light snacks provided.  Message her for details: 509-607-0785.

  • Love & Logic is Coming to the Upper Valley!  Register now for your spot in this five week course hosted by the Upper Valley Early Learning Coalition (an informal group of early learning professionals from Mountain Sprouts, Cascade School District, and the Chelan Douglas Child Services Association) What: A 5-week course working through Love & Logic for Parents - a research backed approach to raising children. This course is specifically designed for families with children birth - six. Childcare will be provided in the adjoining room. TBD if food will be provided as well. Where: Cascade Kodiaks classroom, rm 108, at Icicle River Middle School. Cost: $10 for the take-home materials. Scholarships are available. Please email Hannah Pick at for more information or register at

  • Ever dreamed of living right across the street from your favorite church? Now is your chance! Fully furnished, recently remodeled apartment right across the street from Trinity available for rent! Laundry, kitchen, living room, bedroom, and bath. Utilities included: water, sewer, garbage. $1050 per month. Totally awesome landlords. Available mid-March. Call or text Anni at (509) 670-6795 or Guy at (509) 670-3608.



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Trinity Church is part of the Anglican Diocese of the Rocky Mountains. For more information about our tradition, click here.

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