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Join the Safeguarding Team

Carson Leith

Daylight Savings Time is this weekend!  Remember to set your clocks back!

Join the Safeguarding Team

Dear Trinity,

Part of the DNA of our Diocese is that “we are a reflection of God’s movement through the Anglican Church of Rwanda.” And we’ll actually be learning more about that story this coming February at our annual diocesan gathering. Anyone can watch these sessions live-streamed, or you can come out with our team to experience it in person!

Our Bishop, Ken Ross, has said that “one of the things we learned from Rwanda is the importance of ‘walking in the light’ – that bringing things into the light is what banishes the darkness and brings healing and restoration. 

That phrase — “walking in the light” — is what guides our entire process of fostering a church culture where children and the vulnerable are safe and secure.

At Trinity, every employee and every volunteer who works with children/youth goes through an extensive child safety training process.

Each church in our diocese has been encouraged to form a safeguarding team composed of 3-4 people who assist the Rector (Matt) with the implementation of our local child safety policy, and the equipping the church community for effective prevention and response to violations of this policy and cases of misconduct. 

Would you like to be on this team? We are looking for a mix of women and men. Email if interested.

p.s. - Not interested in joining the team, but still want to become more aware and resourced in the area of protecting children and creating a safe church? Email Carson at and he can give you the same training we give our volunteers and staff.


Solitude and Silence Retreat

Last Call for Early Bird Pricing

Trinity’s second winter retreat will be held November 15-17 at Ingalls Creek.  The first day focuses on Solitude practices, the second on Sabbath.

Jesus tells us his yoke is easy and his burden is light.  Yet, out of habit, we can push ourselves relentlessly.  Solitude and Sabbath help us to gently turn from such habits and rest under the easy yoke of Jesus.

Please join us in community at Ingalls Creek this November for a weekend of coming home to ourselves in Christ. 

Early-bird pricing of $90 ends this coming week on 10/31.  (Prices increase to $110 on 11/1).


Wenatchee Rescue Mission Sunday

Trinity Youth and Adults,

We are coming up on the first Sunday of the month, which means we are going to Wenatchee Rescue Mission again. This time, we get to have some fun decorating the Dining Hall for Thanksgiving.

(Church, if you have any extra fall decorations that you’d like to donate, please bring them Sunday and put them in the box labeled “Wenatchee Rescue Mission”. Another thing the Mission needs is pillowcases to use as curtains for the tiny houses on the property.)


6:30 pm Meet at Trinity. Pray.

6:40 pm Travel to the Mission.

6:50-7:50 Decorate and Play Board Games (if time).

8:00 pm Arrive back at Trinity for pick up.

I hope many of us will come together for this life-giving time of joining Jesus in bringing a little bit of His heavenly order and beauty to a place in our neighborhood that needs it.

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. 

Questions or concerns? Please reach out to Nicole (509) 670-3825

Forms needed to participate:

Trinity Youth Release Form (needed for youth only)

WRM Volunteer Liability Form (needed for all youth and adults who come)


Lessons and Carols - Join the Choir

Advent is almost upon us! One of the many joys for the upcoming season is gathering once again as a Christmas Choir. We are looking for men and women (teenage & up) to sing in December. Our choir will sing at the 11pm Lessons & Carols service Christmas eve. Questions or interested in joining? contact Hannah Pick: or (206) 354-2947


A Pilgrimage to the Border

June 29-July 3

- For Trinity highschoolers and adults

- Meetings once a month starting in January 

- Fundraising options will be available

- Join the team by December 31

This is not your normal mission trip; an Abara Border Encounter (a.k.a. “listening trip”) is a 3-day immersion experience in the Juárez-El Paso region designed for participants to see people and hear stories outside the news cycle. This encounter invites us to listen, learn, and reflect on what the border can teach us, who we are meant to become in Christ, and how we can better engage with each other and our neighbors at home in Wenatchee. 

Want to learn more? 

Sign up here and/or talk to Nicole. 


You're Invited

Brethren Baptist Hymn Sing and Potluck


Preschooler Playgroup

Wednesday, November 6 @ 10am

Parents of little ones,

Please join us this coming Wednesday, November 6th, for our bi-monthly Wednesday morning preschooler playgroup.  We'll be meeting at the playground at Washington Park (110 South Miller Street).

Come join fellow parents/caregivers for coffee, conversation and a low-key playdate.

Who: Children age 0-5, along with their caregivers

When: Wednesday mornings 10-11am (1st & 3rd weeks)

Feel free to invite friends and neighbors with little ones as well!


Bulletin Board

Our bulletin board is a place where you can express a need to our church body (ex: housing, items needed, jobs wanted, etc.) so that others can reach out and respond.  Have a submission? Please email for us to review.



(509) 888-2957

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Trinity Church is part of the Anglican Diocese of the Rocky Mountains. For more information about our tradition, click here.

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