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  • Trinity Church

Join a Face to Face Group this Fall

Reminder: New service times start this Sunday! 8:30 & 10am

Dear Trinity,

At church camp this past weekend, Pastor Matt reminded us of our status as beloved children of God.  We were encouraged to consider what it means to do-be-do-be-do (sidenote: Matt's rap was great, wasn't it?) and are joining together for the next ten weeks to be face-to-face and learn how to Practice the Way.

This fall on Wednesday nights at Trinity, we have an invitation to gather up into what we are calling Table Groups to learn how we might respond to God’s “Come, Beloved” through practices like prayer, Sabbath rest, reading the Bible, and joyful giving. We’ll do this by working through the Practicing the Way Course with John Mark Comer, discussing how we can participate in the work of God forming us to be more like Jesus as we spend time with Him, doing the things He did.

Table Group Dates:

September 18: Table Group Meal & Kick-off Night (5:30-7:30pm)

Sept 25 – Nov 13: 8-Week Practicing the Way Series (6-7:30pm)

November 20: Celebration Meal & Toast to God! (5:30-7:30pm)

What are Table Groups?

Table Groups are small communities of 7-10 people who will gather to not only share some yummy food but more importantly to feast on Jesus, our Bread of Life. 

Will there be Childcare?

Yes! It’s been decided. We will have childcare for children up to age 10 available all 10 weeks.

Will there be food?

There will be a meal served for everyone on the first and final nights of our 10 weeks together. Each Table Group can decide if they’d like to bring a snack or dessert to share on other weeks. 

Beloved Children, together let’s say YES to God’s “Come”.


Church Camp Recap

Hear all about it this Sunday!

If you missed Church Camp, Pastor Matt and our team will be reprising all the best stuff from the weekend! Make sure to come this Sunday (8:30 or 10am) so that we can fill you in on what happened, and head into the Fall on the same wavelength…


Godly Play Registration

Please register by this Sunday, September 15

We're so excited to be starting another year of Godly Play with the children in our church!  If you have a child in K-6th grade, please register them so Kelsee and the teachers can determine proper class size.  Please register by this Sunday, September 15th.


Preschooler Playgroup

Parents of little ones,

Please join us this coming Wednesday, September 18th, for our bi-monthly Wednesday morning preschooler playgroup.  We'll be meeting at the playground at Washington Park (110 South Miller Street).

Come join fellow parents/caregivers for coffee, conversation and a low-key play date.

Who: Children age 0-5, along with their caregivers

When: Wednesday mornings 10-11am (1st & 3rd weeks)

Feel free to invite friends and neighbors with little ones as well!


Monthly Evensong

Resumes Sunday, September 29

There's still time to join the Evensong choir! We practice once a month on the Saturday before the service which is the last weekend of the month. There are eight services scheduled for September through June with the final service being the first weekend in June rather than Memorial Day weekend. We are in need of committed, musical women, high school and older, to join the ensemble. An ability to read music and ensemble experience is helpful. If you are interested in singing with us, please let me know so that I can follow up with more details. Call/text: 206-354-2947. -Hannah Pick


Fall at a Glance


Lectionary Readings this Fall

We’ll be continuing in the Lectionary this Fall (praying through it daily and preaching through it)


Bulletin Board

Our bulletin board is a place where you can express a need to our church body (ex: housing, items needed, jobs wanted, etc.) so that others can reach out and respond.  Have a submission? Please email for us to review.


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