Reminder: This Sunday we will have one baptism service at 10am.

Hello Trinity,
You are invited! Over the next seven weeks, groups will be gathering in homes to build community in Jesus.
Some adult groups will enjoy a simple meal in the evening; some will have warm drinks during the day, still other groups include a discipleship plan and care for children to attend; all will seek to grow in Christ as we come face-to-face with Him and each other through a discussion about our weekly Scripture and sermon and pray together.
If you are in town and available for the majority of these next seven weeks, we hope you will sign up! If you have any questions, reach out to Nicole at
Epiphany Reminders:
Bring Side Dish and Drinks

We’re looking forward to seeing you at the Epiphany Feast this Sunday night!
Join us at the Leavenworth Festhalle on January 12 at 5pm.
Important notes:
Bring a side dish and drink to share
Dress up! It’s a party
Paid parking is available around the Festhalle
Summer Pilgrimage to the Border

This summer (the week of July 4th), Trinity will be taking a pilgrimage to listen, learn, and grow in Christ as we come face-to- face with our neighbors at the border. This trip is for high schoolers and adults.
Learn more about the history and heart behind this pilgrimage by reading this article about the founder of Abara Border Encounters.
If you are interested in joining this pilgrimage, please plan to attend the meeting on January 26th after Evensong. Questions before then? Reach out to Nicole at
The View from the Vestry
The Vestry, which oversees the budget and the building, recently approved contributing $1,130 from the Missions and Mercy Parish fund for the purchase of 13 mattresses for the new homeless shelter for women and children at the Wenatchee Rescue Mission.
The Christmas fundraiser to supply the mission with washers and dryers and a new floor received a little over $14,500 in donations from the congregation. This is enough to cover both projects and we will get in contact with the Rescue Mission to discern together how to distribute the rest of the donations.
And in other mission news, more than $16,000 in donations fully funded this year's needs of the Daniel family, Pakistani refugees who are immigrating to Canada with help from the Congdons.
The Vestry also approved giving $6,000 from the Global Missions fund to support the Trinity team traveling to Rwanda in February.
This year's Vestry members are Fathers Matt and Carson, Brenda Atkinson, Cathy Rice, Geoff Harms, Kay Andreini, Elliot Molitor and Brent Bell.
- Kay Andreini
Godly Play Resumes January 19th
Hi families! Godly Play resumes January 19th. We're looking forward to having your children with us upstairs again. If you're new, please use the link below or go to Trinity's website to register your children. Registering your child provides us with the information we need to place them in the correct class, and ensures child safety.
Contact Kelsee Drain with any questions:
Trinity Youth Nights

All Youth Nights begin at Trinity and run from 6:30-8pm, except for Discipleship Groups which meet at various times and locations. Contact Nicole at for more details.
Bulletin Board
Our bulletin board is a place where you can express a need to our church body (ex: housing, items needed, jobs wanted, etc.) so that others can reach out and respond. Have a submission? Please email for us to review.