Dear Trinity...
Happy New Year and Happy 8th Day of Christmas! We pray that your Christmas was full of happiness and was a beautiful reminder of the coming of the Christ Child.
As we near the end of Christmastide (the 12 Days of Christmas in the liturgical calendar), we look forward to our Epiphany celebrations.
An old Christian tradition celebrates Epiphany with a practice and house blessing known as Chalking the Doors. The chalk, as it slowly wears throughout the year, serves as a reminder that Christ dwells with us wherever we are, and that our home is a missionary outpost of His kingdom. The initials "C.M.B." can represent the names of the 3 Wise Men, but it also represents the Latin phrase Christus Mansionem Benedicat… "May Christ Bless This House."
One of our pastors would love to come to your house during Epiphanytide and pronounce a blessing on your home as we chalk the doors together! It's a simple, yet meaningful time of about 10-15 minutes, walking through a short liturgy, praying for the year ahead, and welcoming Christ's presence into your home.
Just click the button below to sign up. And we'll be in touch about when we can visit your home.
We also are looking forward to our Epiphany Feast! This is one of the Trinity Church's biggest celebrations of the year. It's a time for fun, song, yummy food, and Scottish Ceilidh (traditional line dancing)! Epiphany is the culmination of the 12 days of Christmas and, as we remember the Magi visiting the Christ Child, we also remember how each of us is invited to come to Him and worship each and every day.
Join us at the Leavenworth Festhalle on January 12 at 5pm.
Feast volunteers needed! We need 4-5 helpers to tear things down at the end of the night (8:30-10:30pm). We also need 2 helpers to monitor food supplies and restock while people are dishing up their food.
Contact our feast lead, Bre Chud, at 425-559-0833 to get involved!
(Ps. Have alternative serving ideas? We would welcome to that too!)
Godly Play Resumes January 19th
Hi families! Godly Play resumes January 19th. We're looking forward to having your children with us upstairs again. If you're new, please use the link below or go to Trinity's website to register your children. Registering your child provides us with the information we need to place them in the correct class, and ensures child safety.
Contact Kelsee Drain with any questions: kelsee@trinitywenatchee.org
Trinity Youth Nights

All Youth Nights begin at Trinity and run from 6:30-8pm, except for Discipleship Groups which meet at various times and locations. Contact Nicole at nicole@trinitywenatchee.org for more details.
Revised Common Lectionary Readings

Revised Common Lectionary Readings:
for Sunday, January 5 (2nd Sunday after Christmas):
OT: Jeremiah 31:7-14 & Psalm 147:12-20
NT: Ephesians 1:3-14 & John 1:(1-9), 10-18
for Sunday, January 12 (Baptism Sunday):
OT: Isaiah 43:1-7 & Psalm 29
NT: Acts 8:14-17 & Luke 3:15-17, 21-22
*New Epiphanytide Prayer Booklets will be handed out on Baptism Sunday.
Bulletin Board
Our bulletin board is a place where you can express a need to our church body (ex: housing, items needed, jobs wanted, etc.) so that others can reach out and respond. Have a submission? Please email hello@trinitywenatchee.org for us to review.
Lauren and Carson welcomed Elliot George Leith on Tuesday, December 10 at 4:18pm. Lauren and Elliot are both doing well! Let's shower them with the gift of food while they transition into being a family of six. Sign up for the meal train here.