Dear Trinity,
Tonight is the Darkest Night at 7pm. Held on the darkest night of the year (Dec 21), this evening provides an opportunity for lament and healing during a time of the year that can be very hard. With prayer, Scripture, and communion, we acknowledge that Advent begins in the dark and that it is at the point of deepest darkness that things come to life and are reborn.
This Saturday, the Prayer Vigil begins at 7pm. Get your heart ready for Christ’s coming by joining the prayer vigil leading up to Christmas. A sacred space in the church will be staffed around the clock by hosts who sit silently in it for a few hours at a time. Stop by for any length of time to rest and reflect as you set your gaze on Jesus.
And finally, on Sunday, we invite you to our morning services at 8:30 and 9:45am, to learn from how Mary received the word of God.
That evening, our Christmas Eve services are at 5pm & 11pm. If you'd like have an earlier night, and you enjoy singing along to the classic carols and hymns, the 5pm would be a good choice!
At 11pm will be our traditional (and much beloved) "Lessons & Carols" service. Trinity Church has presented this traditional King’s College Choir service to the community since 2012. It includes Scripture readings, prayers and carols sung by a choir and the congregation.
Trinity's Inaugural Epiphany House Blessings

An old Christian tradition celebrates Epiphany with a practice and house blessing known as Chalking the Doors. The chalk, as it slowly wears throughout the year, serves as a reminder that Christ dwells with us wherever we are, and that our home is a missionary outpost of His kingdom. The initials "C.M.B." can represent the names of the 3 Wise Men, but it also represents the Latin phrase Christus Mansionem Benedicat…. "May Christ Bless This House." For several years now on Epiphany (Jan 6th) we've give out pieces of chalk and short instructions for how to do this yourself.
But for the first time, you can request that one of our pastors come to your house on the weekend of Epiphany and pronounce a blessing on your home as we chalk the doors together!
Just sign up using this form, and fill out your home address. We'll be in touch about when we can visit your home and walk through a short liturgy together.
May Christ bless your home in 2024.
Year-End Giving
Thank you for giving generously during 2023. During this month, we ask you to help us finish the calendar year strong with a year-end gift. Whether this would be your first time giving to Trinity or you are a committed giver already…thank you. In order for your gift to count in 2023 for tax deduction purposes, please make sure we receive it on or before December 31.
How do I give?
Online giving. This method is convenient and secure, and can be accessed through trinitywenatchee.org/give or the Church Center App (Apple and Android Devices) **The most convenient and cost-effective way to give is to set up a recurring donation through ACH from your bank account.
Mail. You can also mail checks, or set up automatic bill pay, to “Trinity Church" Address: 535 Okanogan Avenue, Wenatchee, WA 98801. (Postmarked by Dec 31)
Offering basket. On Sundays, you can give by placing a tithe in the offering basket at the entrance to the sanctuary.
Julie Canlis' Article Series

Last year, Julie gave several “liturgical pop-ups” throughout the year as we walked through the Christian Calendar from Advent to Christmas, Epiphany to Lent, and beyond. If you missed these talks, or simply want to learn more about the church calendar and why we observe it, Julie is currently writing a monthly article for the Archbishop of Canterbury in a new publication called “Seen & Unseen.”
Here’s the next installment...
Bulletin Board
If you have a personal need (like a job, or housing, etc.), an event you’d like to promote, or something you’d like our church body to be aware of, you can email hello@trinitywenatchee.org for us to review before posting.
The Metzler Family would like to welcome folks to join us for Christmas dinner. If you have no plans, no family in town or just want to share a meal together, we can host up to ten others. We'll provide the main, just bring a dish or drink to share. 5pm nibbles, dinner at 6 Christmas Day. Please RSVP to Keri @ (425) 891-3705 by Friday at 5pm. Blessings sweet church!