Confirmation Weekend Invitation
Dear Trinity,
We are looking forward to our time with Bishop Ben this weekend as he meets with the leadership of the church, worships with us Sunday morning, and invites our confirmands to declare their trust in God's love for them. We pray that it will be a full and fruitful time.
Please come to the confirmation service on Sunday at 6pm as seven confirmands are confirmed in their baptism as God's kids. This will be an evening of worship and prayer for the whole church body and a wonderful time to be reminded of our own baptisms.
May at a Glance
Newcomers Dinner: May 11 @ 5:30pm Sign up here
Midrash Bible Study: Wednesdays, May 8 & 22 @ 7-8:20
Youth Discipleship: Sundays, May 17, 24, 31 @ 6:30-8pm
Preschooler Free Play: May 15 @ 10-11am
Pentecost Feast: May 19 @ Methow Park
Face-to-Face Wednesdays: May 29, Jun 5, 12 @ 5:30
Newcomers Dinner May 11th

If you are new to our church and haven't attended one of our newcomers dinners, we'd love to meet you and share stories around a dinner table at a host home in our parish.
Come meet other newcomers as well as one of our pastors, and find out how you can take the next step in your path to belonging at Trinity Church.
George MacDonald Book Club - Third Book

We continue to have a lively and wonderful group who is loving reading George MacDonald's books. If you have not yet joined us, ANYONE is welcome to start. It's not too late to get even one book under your belt!
The next book, Robert Falconer, is semi-iconic in GMD circles, as being the most autobiographical. Our gathering is the last Sunday of July, 6:45pm at the Canlis House.
And if you've missed any information prior to this, you can read up in the tab on the website devoted to our book group. Just know that if you like anything having to do with Lewis, Tolkien, and other fabulous books, MacDonald is their "grandfather" and we are celebrating his 200th birthday this year by reading and discussing together. It is a fun group - you don't have to say anything - or you can bring all your favorite quotes (not enough time for us to list them all!)
Here is a fun interview just out about MacDonald, by one of my close friends from graduate days. She might be able to come and visit Trinity one of these months, and give either a GMD lecture or one on Children, the Imagination, and God. I'm hoping to tempt her out!
And finally, for the eager beavers - anyone is welcome to keep reading the follow-on novel after Sir Gibbie (the book we just finished) called Donal Grant. There might be a few of us who gather toward this end - text me and let me know if you'd like to be included: 206.953.4128. Blessings and joy in these book-companions!
PS. Please support a bookseller (David Jack) - who has offered our church 20% for any of his translated books that we are reading together!
Coupon Code: 20GMD24
Bulletin Board
If you have a personal need (like a job, or housing, etc.), an event you’d like to promote, or something you’d like our church body to be aware of, you can email for us to review before posting.
Advanced Home Health and Hospice could use a few volunteers, individuals who could sit with hospice patients to talk to them, read to them, and simply keep them company. If interested, please contact David Kopp at 509-415-5603 or
Sara Solano is looking for a place to rent. Preferably 2 bedrooms in Wenatchee. Bonus if there’s lots of sunlight and privacy/second floor. Connect with her at 509-860-6033.