Dear Trinity,
If you haven't watched Matt's sermon last week on the many comings of Christ, please tune in here...
I loved how he challenged us to stop worrying about what will happen at the end of time, and welcome him still now in the middle of time. Repent! And receive him today. He is coming to us in so many ways. And our job is not to figure out something in the future, but to pay attention right now, and watch for him.
I came across a beautiful little sentence earlier this week that complements this reality so well.
"Receiving means to keep ourselves carefully tuned in, sensitive to the music of Eternity. We can never adore enough."
-- Evelyn Underhill (1875-1941)
May we all receive what Christ has to give this Advent...May we be carefully tuned in to the music He's playing...O come, let us adore Him!
p.s. - remember to bring donations for the Moldovan missionaries on Sunday.
And if you missed last week's very full issue about Matthew 25 and George MacDonald, read it here.
p.p.s. - lost your daily Advent prayer liturgy? Download this PDF to have on hand
p.p.p.s. - see all upcoming events, like midrash/prayer, darkest night, and Christmas Eve, on our master calendar
Lessons and Carols - Join the Choir
There's still time to join the intergenerational Christmas choir! Join us for rehearsal the next two Sundays (12/10 and 12/17) right after church from 11 - 12p upstairs. We'll have one final rehearsal on Saturday, 12/23 from 4 - 5:30pm in the sanctuary with dinner to follow. Questions? Contact Hannah Pick: hannahmontzingo@gmail.com or 206-354-2947
Bulletin Board
If you have a personal need (like a job, or housing, etc.), an event you’d like to promote, or something you’d like our church body to be aware of, you can email hello@trinitywenatchee.org for us to review before posted.
Jessie Evans is having a solo violin recital on Tues, Dec 12 at 7pm. (Location: Trinity Church). All are invited!
Lorelai Metzler's Irish dance academy is having a free little show at Pybus Market on Monday, December 18 at 6pm followed by fun group Ceili dancing.