Dear Trinity,
To listen to, or read, an important building update from Pastor Matt, please click below!
The building team is ready to share conceptual designs of the church building and its grounds this spring. Thank you Trinity for your patience over the last two years.
Two opportunities to learn more about the work completed will take place this spring.
First, Robert Myers will walk us through his vision for our exterior spaces. Robert is a landscape designer who has worked with some of the most treasured spaces in England.
Second, Alex Coppock, of Communion Design, will return to walk us through the conceptual design of the church building.
As a refresher, our journey began in 2022 when we were gifted our church from the Brethren Baptist at 10% of its assessed value. That fall, Alex Coppock us through a visioning exercise.
In 2023, the results of the visioning exercise were woven into the architectural brief that guided schematic design. Also, the history of our church was captured in “This Old Church - An Origin Story”.
In 2023 KDA Architects translated Alex's drawing into a digital master plan working with county codes, inspections, surveying and actual costs for the restoration.
Additionally in 2024, Rimmer & Roeter Construction committed much time to “know the bones” of our church as well as provide estimates of cost.
The final chapter of schematic design is currently underway as Alex, Robert & Claire work to integrate & refine the work of KDA.
We will have a congregational meeting showing all this one night this Spring.
Please come and see!
Guy Evans (for the Building Team)
Walk the 40 Days of Lent Together
Attend Ash Wednesday on March 5th (7am or 7pm)
Join a Lenten Small Group for 6 weeks (starts the week of March 9th)
P.s. - If you’d like to start a new group, let’s see if being a group leader is a good fit for you, and if you’re a good fit as a small group leader. Contact Pastor Carson by email (Carson@trinitywenatchee.org) or phone (509.881.7737).
Lenten Journey 2025: Not Home. Come Home.
Our friends at Matthew 25 Initiative are putting together a daily devotional for this Lenten season. You’re invited on a journey of normalizing justice and mercy by thoughtfully engaging in this historic Christian season through the theme of "Home."
Sign up to receive daily reflections in your inbox that are Anglican-informed and in the vein of the church's traditional disciplines of Lent: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.
Body Boundaries
Equipping Families to Prevent Childhood Sexual Abuse
March 15 @ 7:00 pm

Hello, Trinity Church!
Natalie Eggers here with an invitation to come join me on Saturday, March 15, from 7 - 9 PM, at the church. I’ll be helping you learn what you can do to support your kids in the prevention of sexual abuse, using core concepts from the Zero Abuse Project. The statistics on childhood sexual abuse are upsetting, and as a parent myself, I feel the temptation to pull away from this topic.
But that avoidance is a big part of the issue. Our youth need us to lean in, to move through any fear and anxiety it causes to think about this topic so that we can help them gain the understanding and the skills they need to keep themselves safe. My hope is that you will each leave with some very practical tools, conversation starters, and feeling encouraged for guiding your kids in this very important part of their life.
Hope to see you there!
Family Newsletter
Interested in knowing what's going on with our children and families at Trinity Church? Read the latest Family Newsletter here.
New Assistive Listening Devices
Available for Sunday Morning Worship

If you need assistance with hearing on Sunday mornings during worship, we have installed some new devices that you can pick up at the soundboard, and wear during the service.
Preschool Playgroup
Wednesday, March 5 @ 10am
Parents of little ones, Please join us this coming Wednesday, March 5th, for our bi-monthly Wednesday morning preschooler playgroup. We'll be meeting at Trinity Church. Come join fellow parents/caregivers for coffee, conversation and a low-key playdate.
Who: Children age 0-5, along with their caregivers
When: Wednesday mornings 10-11am (1st & 3rd weeks)
Feel free to invite friends and neighbors with little ones as well!
Coming Up at Trinity Church
Critical Journey with Pastor Matt
February 28 @ 6:30pm
Come learn about the natural progression of meeting Christ and growing in him. It’s in this progression that we learn to expect challenges and even death to what we once thought… we learn that God is inviting us into a greater freedom than we can even imagine.
George MacDonald Book Club
March 2 @ 6:45pm
Join us at the Canlis home to discuss the first of MacDonald's "Marshmallow" Trilogy - Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood.
Ash Wednesday
March 5 @ 7am and 7pm
Ash Wednesday service marks the start of Lent, featuring a ritual of repentance where ashes are placed on the forehead as a reminder of mortality and the call to spiritual renewal.
Carson's Album Release Show with Jon Guerra
April 12
To celebrate the release of Carson's new record, Small Boy Running (you can listen to the first three songs here), Carson will be doing a show at Trinity Church with Jon Guerra on Sat, April 12! Jon will be on tour for his own forthcoming record called Jesus.
Trinity 101
May 2 @ 6:30pm
Local Pilgrimage
May 16-18
What is a pilgrimage and why should you join? A pilgrimage is a journey to a holy place, a remembering of our relationship with God. In this case, the holy place is the Clifton Meadow, a sacred peninsula encircled by the Icicle River. And our relationship with God is as His beloved sons and daughters.
June 1
Come worship and join your brothers and sisters who are publicly affirming their faith, receiving the laying on of hands by a bishop, and are being strengthened in their commitment to the Jesus. Interested in being confirmed? Reach out to Pastor Matt at 206-953-4129. There will be a 4 week cohort leading up to the confirmation service and we'd love to have you be a part of it!
Pilgrimage to El Paso Border
Week of July 4th
Seven members of our congregation will be going on an Abara Border Encounter (a.k.a. “listening trip”) in the Juárez-El Paso region. They will see people and hear stories outside the news cycle. This encounter invites us to listen, learn, and reflect on what the border can teach us, who we are meant to become in Christ, and how we can better engage with each other and our neighbors at home in Wenatchee.
Church Camp at Lazy F Camp in Ellensburg
Date change! August 15-17
Outdoor Baptism at Ingalls Creek
Date change! September 7
Bulletin Board
Our bulletin board is a place where you can express a need to our church body (ex: housing, items needed, jobs wanted, etc.) so that others can reach out and respond. Have a submission? Please email hello@trinitywenatchee.org for us to review.
Alyssa and Brent Bell welcomed Peter Jesse Bell into their family on February 12. Let's shower them with food as they settle into being a family of six. Sign up for the meal train here.