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Building Team Update + Confirmation Cohort

Trinity Church

Building Team Update

By Guy Evans

Dear Trinity,

Since the February 1st congregational building meeting, the building team has accomplished three tasks:

First, the team condensed the collection of building sketches and dreams into a five page architectural “brief”. This brief endeavors to capture the goals and priorities of our building project. The team is excited about the document and invites you to review it by clicking on the link above.

Second, this brief has been shared with Alex Coppock of Communion Architects in England. Those of you who attended the first building meeting in November will remember Alex and his delightful and gifted presence. Alex will deliver a series of concept drawings this spring that will then be shared with Trinity’s stateside architects. These architects will create draft floor plans and initial cost estimates.

Third, the building team has gathered for prayer and fellowship. As the architectural brief reminds us, knowing our identity as God’s baptized children in Christ is the cornerstone of Trinity’s identity. Reinforcing this identity within the building team creates a critical foundation for future leadership.

The next major milestone as a congregation will be to review the first draft floor plans and cost estimates later this summer. We gather to discern what to do in terms of remodel updates – and how and when to do them.

Finally, the team is looking for a member to head the project’s fundraising efforts. Do you have experience in leading capital campaigns? Please email Ross Berschauer. Any questions about the project in general? Please email Guy Evans.

Thank you for your presence within the body of Trinity. May the Lord bless you and keep you. The Building Team Guy Evans, Ross Berschauer, Terry Fike, Mike Andreini, Fr. Matt


Confirmation is Sunday, June 11th

Inviting all Youth and Adults of Trinity Church to join our Confirmation Cohort, a 4-week class, including one Saturday retreat, beginning May 17th. This is a once-a-year opportunity for those of us who want to gather with others in our church to better understand our baptism in Jesus, as well as publicly declare our identity as one of the priesthood of all believers. All are welcome to come witness, worship and pray at the confirmation service on June 11, which will be led by Bishop Ken. At this service, the confirmands will renew their baptismal vows and ask for a fresh empowerment of the Holy Spirit to rest as God’s beloved child in Christ and to be equipped for ministry. Confirmation Service: Sunday, June 11th @ 6pm Confirmation Cohort: 4 Wednesdays @ 7pm May 17, 24, 31 & June 7 Cohort will include one Saturday retreat, TBD.


I Wonder Nights

May 2nd and 9th

I Wonder Nights are an invitation for youth and adults to come together and find a place where we can be grounded in God’s word, while keeping a posture like that of our Lord Jesus Christ, who came not to condemn the world, but to seek and save the lost. Instead of tip-toeing around topics like doubt, gender, sexuality, pornography, and racism, let’s start an ongoing conversation (with the help of Axis videos) about how Jesus would invite us to honor and trust Him in these hard places. Mark your calendars for May 2nd and 9th, which will be our first “I wonder” nights. Bring your Bibles and a willingness to grow into the kingdom and mission of God.


Coming Up

  • HEBREWS SERIES CONTINUES Listen to Past Sermons


  • EVENSONG AND YOUTH NIGHT Sunday, May 7 Evensong @ 6pm Youth Gathering and Pizza @ 6:30

  • "I WONDER..." NIGHTS May 2nd and 9th RSVP Here

  • CONFIRMATION COHORT BEGINS 4 Wednesdays @ 7pm May 17, 24, 31 & June 7 Join the Cohort Here

  • PENTECOST FEAST Sunday, May 28 - More Details to Come

  • CONFIRMATION Sunday, June 11th @ 6pm


Bulletin Board

If you have a personal need (like a job, or housing, etc.), an event you’d like to promote, or something you’d like our church body to be aware of, you can email carson@trinitywenatchee.orgfor us to review before posting.

  • Get outside on Earth Day: Join folks at Ingalls Creek on April 22, from 9am-1pm. We will gather for a time of worship, thanking God for the gifts we find in nature, and then spend some time planting flowers, projects on the grounds, and clearing trails. A soup lunch will be provided, so let us know you are coming by registering here. You’re also welcome to stay and linger to forest bathe (it’s a thing!) and enjoy the grounds.

  • Ingalls Creek is hosting an Aging Well (approx. ages 65+) Your Story Matters retreatwith presenter and author Leslie Leyland Fields, April 23-26. Through writing, we can explore our past and our present; we can remember God’s acts on our journey and pass on to others what we have witnessed of God in this life.


Quick Links:



(509) 888-2957

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Trinity Church is part of the Anglican Diocese of the Rocky Mountains. For more information about our tradition, click here.

© Trinity Church

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