Dear Trinity,
Over the past year, we have learned a good bit about the history of our church building. The four installments of the “Origin Story” are now available on a single Trinity web page. If you missed any of the story, be sure to catch up here.
Today, the building retains much of its original stateliness and elegance. But like anything a hundred years old, it is showing its age. From missing stained glass in the bell-tower, to the antiquated heating system in the boiler room, the list of updates needed is significant.

Stained Glass Windows from Interior of Bell Tower
Part of owning this building will involve addressing these needed repairs and updates. But in a broader sense, we have the opportunity to ask, How might Trinity best use this building to advance the Gospel over the next hundred years?
We started this conversation in November of 2022 when Alex Coppock, an architect from England, visited our congregation. Following this gathering, we assembled an “architectural brief” to capture the visions of that meeting. You can read this brief online here.
The document outlines three guiding principles:
• Steward a building which has been the home to many generations of people who are on pilgrimage in Christ. The building itself represents and facilitates this journey.
• Facilitate a weekly journey into the church and back out into the parish.
• Create versatile spaces indoors & outdoors where we can be face-to-face (with God and our neighbors).
Portions of the architectural brief attend to those building elements presently showing their age. The brief calls for upgrading systems so that the church is easier to heat, cool, and maintain. Items on this list include: new windows, a new roof, a new HVAC system, ADA bathrooms, new paint and flooring, and improvements in lighting and sound in the sanctuary.

Attic Space Above Sanctuary
And, the brief also casts a new vision for the building. It calls for a new entry and narthex that offer a clear and direct flow from the front door, into the sanctuary, and up to the communion table. It calls for an aesthetic that communicates truth and beauty and that includes historic symbols combining themes of suffering and resurrection.
Quite a bit of work!
We are lucky to have KDA Architecture on board to imagine both the new layout an aesthetic as well as the practical upgrades to our building’s systems. The fruits of their labor will help us envision what a remodeled church building might look like as well as what it will cost to complete. Look forward to more updates later this year.
If you have questions about the process to date, please call or text Guy Evans at (509) 670-3608.
Empowered Awareness with Food and Body
Sunday, April 14 - 11:15am-1pm
Dear Trinity
Since we're talking about sex and other taboo topics, we thought we might as well bring EATING and BODY into the mix!
As the mother of three daughters, as each of them began the long (wonderful) journey through middle school and into high school, I became aware that I was out of my depth in answering their worries about bodies ("your body is great!"), shapes ("your body doesn't look like anyone else's"), sizes ("um ... you are just right?"), snacking ("yes - but not too much - nor to little" - help!), exercise ("it's good ... right? but what is your motivation? how will you know?" I don't know!). Add onto this complexity that the new "diet" craze masks itself under the healthy-yoga-succulent-plant-vegan-lulu-lemon-loving aesthetic, I was going bonkers actually being able to accompany my daughters through this phase of the journey.
I STILL don't know what I'm doing, but I've met someone who does - and she has offered to help guide NOT just daughters and mothers, but ALL of us, humans, together. Jill Gentry is hosting an informative after-church session introducing us to the concept of "intuitive eating" where we actually get to trust our bodies to help guide us (rather than distrust our bodies, as we've learned).
As embodied people, working out our salvation in and only in these very same bodies, let's learn how to stop disparaging the good things that God has given us to reside in for 50? 70? 100 years? Jesus also had a body. They are important - wonderful - absolute gift. As only Chesterton can say: "The mere pursuit of health always leads to something unhealthy. Physical nature must not be made the direct object of obedience; it must be enjoyed, not worshipped." Let's learn to enjoy our bodies, rather than worship or disparage them, and be grateful for the gift that they are. Let's let Jill Gentry gently lead us - see you on the 14th!

George MacDonald Book Club
Keep reading for the next George MacDonald book club - last Sunday of April after Evensong! (April 28th)
We are all reading through Sir Gibbie (the David Jack Scots-English version is best) or listening to the free Librivox recording.
We will meet immediately after Evensong at the Canlis house (3385 Number 1 Canyon Road - park in the cul-de-sac please), at 6:45pm with Scottish treats (and drinks). We will share our favorite moments and quotes.
How was this brief description of Donal (“he loved the lovely, nor loved it only, but turned towards it with desire to become like it") or of Fergus (“he was not in love with loveliness, but in love with praise")? Ouch. Or how many of us see ourselves in Mrs Sclater ("They always retained a certain simplicity which she called childishness. It came in fact of childlikeness, but the lady was not child enough to distinguish the difference")? Or of myself ("There is no forgetting of ourselves but in the finding of our deeper, our true self—God’s idea of us when he devised us—the Christ in us. Nothing but that self can displace the false, greedy, whining self, of which, most of us are so fond and proud. And that self no man can find for himself; seeing of himself he does not even know what to search for").
I hope you are loving these reflections as I am. And if you aren't, come and let us know why!
Bulletin Board
If you have a personal need (like a job, or housing, etc.), an event you’d like to promote, or something you’d like our church body to be aware of, you can email hello@trinitywenatchee.org for us to review before posting.