Every building project of any scale is a combination of the past, present, and future. The past offers roots and confidence required for change. The present offers pain points and imaginings for healthy growth. And the future is where these imaginings come to life in concrete, wood, and steel (with no small degree of sweat and persistence).
Since our April update, the building team has monitored the progress on the imaginings front.
We have reviewed initial drawings created by Alex Coppock of Communion Design in England, and shared them with KDA Architecture of Yakima. KDA is now translating the concepts into CAD (Computer Aided Design). Following this process, initial construction estimates will be prepared.
This is a very deliberate process and will continue through this year.
While we wait for KDA to complete this initial round of design, we can learn more about the past and present of our church building.
On the present front, do you remember the humorous update offered several months ago by Mike Andreini? He described the complexity and the antiquity of our current heating system. In very practical terms, Mike described the pain points that speak to the need for updates to our building.
And on the past front, do you remember the moving stories told by the Brethren Baptist on the eve of their 100-year anniversary? We heard stories of vision, sacrifice, and obedience to God’s leadership both in the construction of the church building and in service to others. This past will inspire us and challenge us as we imagine our building’s future.
So in the months ahead, look forward to hearing more building stories from the past and present. While we wait for the future to be presented by the architects, we can discover more about the roots of our building and its current challenges and limitations.
Yours in Christ,
The Trinity Building Team
Summer Term Sunday School
July 9 - August 20

Summer term for Godly Play begins this Sunday! This Summer, children ages 4 - 9 will be invited to meet in the Fireside Room downstairs during the sermon to learn about the Apostles Creed. I am looking forward to this time with all the children to remember the basics of our faith!
I need a few parent volunteers to help each week … Please sign up below. - Julia
Updated Summer Flyer

Bulletin Board
If you have a personal need (like a job, or housing, etc.), an event you’d like to promote, or something you’d like our church body to be aware of, you can email carson@trinitywenatchee.orgfor us to review before posting.
From Andrew Drain: Lincoln (our almost 10 year-old), is starting the "50-yard challenge" where he has committed to mow yards for the elderly, disabled, single parents, and veterans for FREE. If you would benefit from this, or know someone that would… please contact me at (509) 607-0784 to coordinate a time for Lincoln to help with lawn care.
Quick Links:
Sunday services: 8:30 and 9:45am (livestream the 9:45)
Download the Church Center app, or view it on your computer here