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Julia Barger

Ascension Day Reflection

The Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ - Moscow School

Dear Trinity Church, Today is Ascension Day. As early as the 4th century, the church observed this moment when Christ returned to His Father in heaven. Acts 1 tells the story. Jesus, surrounded by His disciples, went into the sky, hidden by a cloud. As the disciples stood there looking up, two men dressed in white stood beside them. They asked a question, "Why do you just stand here looking into the empty sky? This Jesus who was taken up from among you to heaven will come as certainly - and mysteriously- as he left." Acts 1 (Message) I appreciate this article that describes the sad/happy tension of Jesus leaving, for the disciples and for us. I long to be with Jesus, and yet, in many ways, I am with Jesus in the Word, in the bread and the wine, in the Church, in the lives of the downcast and brokenhearted.

For the past several summers, Trinity Church has partnered with Small Miracles to serve lunch to children at Methow Park. Partnering with this organization has been so helpful. We join their good work with our willing hands and feet. Our job is simple, volunteers pick up pre packaged lunches and water at Foothills Middle School, set up at Methow Park, greet children and pass out lunches, clean up, and return the supplies to Foothills . We volunteer Monday - Thursday between 10:40 am and 12:20 pm. And a bonus, Small Miracles is happy to provide lunch for the volunteer's children! Lunches are served June 27th - August 4th and volunteer sign-ups begin soon. Volunteers can serve once or several times over the summer. Join the team to receive updates and links for serving schedules. Trinity church, please join this wonderful opportunity to serve in our Parish! I wonder how Jesus will be with us in this special place?

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Children's Spirituality Seminar

June 29th 6:30 - 8:30 pm

Save the date!!! Are you interested in learning more about how children grow in their life with Father, Son and Holy Spirit? I look forward to sharing what I have learned over the past few years from workshops, classes, and being with children.

In Christ,


PS - I love this resource for families - Ten Days of Prayers for Ascension to Pentecost

PPS (from Fr. Carson) … The recent tragic shooting in Texas was heavy on my heart this morning as I grieved the painful loss of at least 21 people (many of whom were elementary-aged children). I can’t imagine the depths of grief experienced by the parents. Someone from our congregation shared this song with me (We Bring You All Our Sorrows by Paul Zach) as a way to respond in heart-deep lament. Please listen to it. And reflect on these selected lyrics of the song:

In your hands our grief is hallowed.

Take it as our gift, we pray.

Lay our tears upon your altar

like the bread you bless and break.

Work your mercy in our heartache

come transfigure all our pain.




Scripture: 1 Samuel 21-22 Book: ch 6: Sanctuary David and Doeg Preacher: Wes Whitson

Do you love political intrigue and power struggles for the throne? Do you love reading about lying and abuse of power over innocent people? Me neither. Not at all. But that’s what’s in store for us this week as we study the life of David. Hopefully you’ll be as surprised as I was at how much this story humbled me and made me think honestly about myself.

Service Times: 8:30 and 9:45


Join us for an evening of youth and adults gathering for intergenerational connection in Jesus.

6:00pm - Evensong. All generations invited to join our youth as they offer up songs, chants and Scripture readings in a time of restful worship

6:30pm - Bedtime Stories: Kay Andreini


Upcoming Newcomer's Dinner

If you are new to our church in the last year, and haven't attended one of our newcomers dinners, we'd love to meet you and share stories around a dinner table at a host home in our parish. Come meet other newcomers as well as one of our pastors and staff members, and find out how you can take the next step in your path to belonging at Trinity Church. This one will be kid friendly, so feel free to bring your whole family!


Thanks to everyone who came out for the landscaping work day last Saturday!

A special thank you to Fred Meyer, for your generous donation of $363 worth of plants!


Key Info for Church this Spring

Our services are at 8:30am and 9:45am.

- Live stream our 9:45am services HERE

- Watch past services on YouTube

- Listen to Sermon audio


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