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Advent at a Glance

Julia Barger

Advent Starts December 3rd

Heads up: stick around after the 2nd service this Sunday for a special time hearing from Nigel & Nicole Hunter about the Matthew 25 initiative and the places we invite you to enter this Advent! Dear Trinity Church,

Last Sunday, the children learned about the Liturgical Calendar, also known as the church year. They learned how the calendar is a circle, inviting us to return again and again to the mysteries of the three Great Sundays - Christmas, Easter and Pentecost. They learned how God moves out from the "center" through the Great Sundays into forever and invites us to move into the center through these Great Sundays to know Him better. They learned how the circle contains the four rhythms of creativity that are so natural for children - Wonder, Curiosity, Discovery and Understanding . . . which leads us right back into more wonder!

Finally, the circle contains the stories we tell throughout the year. The Good Shepherd who helps us to be loved by Jesus and love our neighbors. Creation - when God invites us to rest in the mystery of how He made this wonderful world. The Incarnation, the mystery of God coming to us as a baby. The Crucifixion and Resurrection which can never be broken apart and brings us into salvation. Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit came to inspire the church to spread the good news of our new life in the Kingdom of God to the whole world. Finally, the children added their drawings of their favorite part of the church year calendar.

The children understand the importance of getting ready for the birth of the Christ Child. They have been anticipating Advent upstairs in Godly Play as they move the golden arrow closer to the color purple on the Church Calendar. They are living out what Godly Play calls “paying attention." They will not miss the mystery of Advent. (for more information about the church year see Julie Canlis' lecture here. I also like this article.)

All of Trinity Church are invited into this practice of waiting together. The children enjoy special stories about the Holy Family and St. Nicholas all together downstairs in the Fireside room at their regular Sunday School time. You’ll notice changes in the Sanctuary, a Christmas tree from the Bickford tree farm, an Advent Wreath with candle lighters each Sunday, and meaningful art to help us see the story of Christmas. After the 9:45am service there will be special activities downstairs for everyone. We’ll make Advent crafts together to help us celebrate at home with Advent wreaths and devotional guides. We might decide to fast or give to those in need. Advent helps us be intentional about getting ready for the great mystery of the Incarnation.

2023 Trinity Church Advent Crafts Schedule These activities are for all ages. Parents! Please stay with your children...

  • December 3 Advent Wreath (bring a grocery bag of fresh greens cut in 3” lengths)

  • December 10 Cookie decorating (special offering for the Moldovan Missionaries)

  • December 17 Christ Candles

  • December 24 Caroling @ Colonial Vista

Please consider giving a $15.00 donation per household for craft expenses.

Be on the lookout for a flyer with more details and all the service information this Sunday.

“Advent is almost here!”


PS - Here's a link to an Advent lecture by Dr. Chris Green. It's great!


Advent at a Glance

Sunday services 8:30 & 9:45am (Dec 3, 10, 17, 24)

Christmas Eve - 2 services 5pm (Contemporary music) 11pm (Lessons & Carols choral service)

Midrash and Prayer

December 6 and 13 @ 7pm

Silent Retreat

Dec 8-10 at Ingalls Creek

Darkest Night Service

Thursday, December 21 @ 7pm

Prayer Vigil - starts December 23rd

More info TBA

Epiphany House Blessings (January 6th)

More info TBA


Lessons and Carols - Join the Choir

Advent is almost upon us! One of the many joys for the upcoming season is gathering once again as a Christmas Choir. We are looking for men and women (teenage & up) to sing in December. This year, rehearsals will be Dec. 3, 10, 17 (Sundays) from 11:15 - 12:45 in the fireside room and Saturday, 12/23 9:30 - 11:30am in the sanctuary. Our choir will sing at the 11pm Lessons & Carols service Christmas eve. Questions? contact Hannah Pick: or (206) 354-2947 or simply show up to rehearsal!


Caring for Our Church Family

Join us in prayer for three people and their families who are facing sickness right now (from youngest to oldest):

  • Kip Tomalty

  • Emily Mendez

  • Jill Gentry

Let's pray for them first:

Heavenly Father, watch with us over your child Kip, and grant that he may be restored to that perfect health which it is yours alone to give; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

O God, the strength of the weak and the comfort of sufferers: mercifully accept our prayers, and grant to Emily and Jill the help of your power, that their sickness may be turned into health, and our sorrow into joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Tomalty Family

The Tomalty family is at Seattle Children's Hospital with their newborn baby Kip, who came down with a serious infection and needs continuing treatment. Please consider donating to our Trinity Benevolence Fund so that we can pass along some support as they persevere through this difficult time.

The Mendez Family

Thank you for all your support of the Mendez family as Emily recovers from the removal of a brain tumor in late September. This form of brain cancer necessitates radiation and chemotherapy. The treatment plan for Emily requires daily travel to Moses Lake for treatment for the next 6 weeks. Head over to their GoFundMe and learn how you can jump in and help.

The Gentry Family

Jill Gentry was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer earlier this Fall. Brad and Jill are so grateful to have your help in this time as they seek treatment and pathways forward. To stay in touch with their journey and to learn about how you can help support their family, please click below.


Bulletin Board

If you have a personal need (like a job, or housing, etc.), an event you’d like to promote, or something you’d like our church body to be aware of, you can email for us to review before posting.

  • Come and hear the Columbia River Community Flute Choir! Several women who attend Trinity play in the choir. Performances of Christmas music will be: Friday, December 1, 6-7pm at the Grove Recital Hall in Wenatchee Valley College Music and Art Center and Sunday, December 3, 3:30-5pm at Saddlerock Presbyterian Church.

  • Ever dreamed of living right across the street from your favorite church? Now is your chance! Fully furnished, recently remodeled apartment right across the street from Trinity available for rent! Laundry, kitchen, living room, bedroom, and bath. Utilities included: water, sewer, garbage. $1050 per month. Totally awesome landlords. Call or text Anni at (509) 670-6795 or Guy at (509) 670-3608.


Quick Links:



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Trinity Church is part of the Anglican Diocese of the Rocky Mountains. For more information about our tradition, click here.

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